The "this or that spread" in the white book is a handy tool for quickly deciding who to vote for, whether to have pizza or chicken, or what movie will suck less when you are faced with a date-night prospect. We all encounter choices and conflict in life and "this or that" readings are invaluable in helping your clients solve their problems quickly and easily. 


The problem is that it gets a bit confusing: with the advent of a "this of that spread" how can we get more information and are we stuck with that one spread? Lori wanted to know what her options were in decision spreads and this lesson covers, in great depth, how to choose or alter a spread to create the best reading to resolve conflicts and make decisions. Of course our cards don't make decisions for us, but like any form of divination we are reaching out to the divine and asking for guidance. YOUR SKILL at talking to the divine (with the help of your cards as clarification devices) will determine the quality of your assistance (to your clients). This means that my job is to help you get better at what you do; hence this lesson.


We start off answering the question about this or that spreads in general, and in detail, but then move on to help Lori (and you) get more accurate and precise information from your cards in every reading you do. I hope that you enjoy this lesson and learn a lot. Please post any questions that you have. Thanks for being here :-)

Direct download: Lori_-_this_or_that_spreads.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 8:16pm EDT

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