How to blend cards in a reading

Vera was having issues with seeing overall patterns and the hidden inferences in the spreads she casts, so we sat down and worked through this. In today's free audio lesson we look at how cards interact in a spread.

This is a very deep subject and one that cannot be covered in-depth in a 30-minute session, but we were able to get to the core issues and do a practice run where we designed an impromptu spread to solve a real-life problem. Along the way we figured out how to overcome Vera's personal concerns (the reason for the spread) and at the same time help her understand the method of blending cards, finding similarities and tensions between cards in a spread to flesh out the deeper answer to the question at hand. This is a powerful lesson and one I hope you will enjoy. It has great information to help you master your cards and become a truly gifted reader. Thanks for being here :)

Direct download: Vera_-_ATS_techniques_in_a_live_reading_lesson.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 7:54pm EDT

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