How to cast more accurate spreads: pre-spreadwork and shuffling

Shuffling is an underrated art in tarot readings. Too many people assume that it is done a few times or that you hand your cards over to your client (as if they will know what to do with them). This all sounds nice in "New Age tarot 101" class but it is in fact a crippling way to remove any accuracy or precision from your readings. In fact, if you like random cards that have NOTHING AT ALL to do with your client's question or circumstance, this is the method for you.

Alternatively, we can do our pre-spreadwork properly (shuffling, focusing, talking to ourselves/our client, listening for the "ding" . . .) and by doing this we can get MUCH BETTER answers. And that is what this lesson is about.

There is no way I could cover all of this in 40 minutes so this is just a shot of information to improve your skills "right now" with an invitation to come learn ALL of what you need to know to become a kick-ass tarot reader at our academy. Right now we have a $5 special: $5 a week for three lessons/week (two 90-minute video lessons and one 60-minute audio), and forums, and study groups, and study buddies. You really should check this out:

It will change your life.

Anyway, thanks for being here. Please post any questions.


Direct download: Natasha-how_to_shuffle.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 6:22pm EDT

Court cards and Froot Loops!

In today's lesson we take a new look at court cards. April is a talented reader with no small amount of experience, but court cards were presenting their usual problems, so we went ahead and dove into that. Along the way we covered how to get your client to communicate more effectively and honestly with you, what types of psychic abilities you have, and why Toucan Sam is so much cooler than the Trix rabbit.


We closed out with a new exercise to help court cards make sense in any situation and how your practice with your cards will make your mediumship capabilities skyrocket. 

Direct download: Court_cards__Froot_Loops.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 7:25pm EDT

How to read "the scary cards"

Dyan is new to the tarot but she had some advanced questions. This lesson was just going to cover how to read without bias but we went in several different directions. Over the course of this lesson we covered various ways to understand court cards. Mostly I was pointing her to the existing set of podcast lessons specifically dealing with court cards. I also gave her a quickie overview of the method we use in the academy to instantly understand court cards in any spread.

From here the lesson just squirreled all over the road. We had a short discussion on reading for animals, fish (whales specifically), and how this corresponded to reading for people. I also ended up covering various aspects of reading on a professional level, even if you are new. A few admonishments of how to correctly practice and the lesson has run 40 minutes.

This was a much different lesson. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for being here :-)

Direct download: Dyan_court_cards__how_to_read_at_all.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 6:59pm EDT

Exercise 4: How to do it

Dawn was having trouble with exercise four from The Easiest Way to learn the Tarot—EVER!! Going from one card to another in a linear-time fashion can be problematic if we are doubtful on the meanings of cards, or worse: if we have memorized fixed meanings for each card.


So, in today's lesson we took time to go through exercise 4 several times, slowly and carefully working our way through various possible meanings. Along the way I showed Dawn how to better understand the cards in her deck, and as a last minute bonus we covered a special technique on how to master court cards in any situation. I hope you enjoy this lesson. It is simple but has great value. Thanks for being here :-)

Direct download: Dawn_-_exercise_4_practice.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 8:57pm EDT

How to blend cards in a reading

Vera was having issues with seeing overall patterns and the hidden inferences in the spreads she casts, so we sat down and worked through this. In today's free audio lesson we look at how cards interact in a spread.

This is a very deep subject and one that cannot be covered in-depth in a 30-minute session, but we were able to get to the core issues and do a practice run where we designed an impromptu spread to solve a real-life problem. Along the way we figured out how to overcome Vera's personal concerns (the reason for the spread) and at the same time help her understand the method of blending cards, finding similarities and tensions between cards in a spread to flesh out the deeper answer to the question at hand. This is a powerful lesson and one I hope you will enjoy. It has great information to help you master your cards and become a truly gifted reader. Thanks for being here :)

Direct download: Vera_-_ATS_techniques_in_a_live_reading_lesson.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 7:54pm EDT

Real life spread advice: spread accuracy, court cards, yes/no questions

Today's lesson has something for everyone. What happens when you are reading a spread and your bias gets in the way of the message? How can we know when that is happening and how can we stop it? How do we know when we are reading the future versus our current state? What if things change? We need to be able to give ourselves and clients ACCURATE information, not "good for now, until it changes" information. This is what we cover in today's free audio lesson. We also cover a bit more on court cards (we can never seem to get enough of that) and how and when to use small spreads for best effect (yes/no spreads, 1, 2, and 3 card spreads).


Today's lesson covers several topics and it lasts about an hour. It covers a lot of ground that will help you become a MUCH better reader by indirectly correcting most mistakes readers make. Good habits come from this lesson. I hope you enjoy it. I will have more free lessons soon. Dusty.

Direct download: George_multiple_topics.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 2:58pm EDT

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