Want to win the lottery right now? Here's how to pick numbers with your tarot cards

It's official: Wednesday's Euro lottery is over 50 million euros and America's "Power Ball" jackpot is a mind-blowing $1.3 BILLION! It is time to show you how to grab some of that cash for yourself. Screw you hard-working billionaires! I made my fortune overnight!

So, how to win the lottery. That is the question everyone is asking. Well, today Becky, Leslie, and I sat down to show you exactly how we plan on doing it. This is the most exact step-by-steep methodology using the tarot I believe you can find anywhere; and it is free. I didn't want to hand you a pre-formatted system of "just do this and trust me" picking winning numbers, so I walked you through a small part of the research I have been doing. I wanted you to see how we came to these conclusions, and how they represent the most stable and credible method of translating tarot card images into lottery numbers. The process of picking lottery numbers using your tarot deck is a LOT easier than trying to explain it, so don't let the explanation of it all scare you off. You will need one or two decks, depending on how complicated your lottery system is. All we talk about today is how to win the lottery. If you have any questions, or if you try this out, please email me (me@dustywhite.net) and let me know how you did. THANK YOU for being here! :-)


Direct download: Becky-Leslie-how_to_pick_lottery_numbers.mp3
Category:Spirituality -- posted at: 5:08pm EDT

Triple episode! Manifestation and two reading examples

This is a super long extended triple lesson. We didn't mean to go long but there was just so much to cover. Becky started us out with a live update on her "financial freedom" manifestation. (Spoiler: It is working!) First tangible results are in -- 9 days later. Next there is a rant but within that are two powerful manifestation secrets not often taught.

Finally Becky and I both give mini readings on real-life events of the day. People have been asking to see how it is done, and we bare all (the fears, fopahs, and the genius) to show you two actual readings we did on the spot. All in all a solid lesson from which you can learn a lot. Please take the time to get through this. It will help you immensely. Thanks for being here :-)

Direct download: Becky-New_Year_podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:46pm EDT

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